Thursday, September 29, 2011

everything starts with a single step

writing is always my favourite, at times, i do it for different reason but most of it- writing while thinking- and there i realise that i've missed so much not to give a minute to sit and just think about it

blogging is one of the way, i supposed. previously i did, but then - being what so-called IT blinder hahaha- i don'tlive much on lap top s and internet and not even using i phone then this blogging thing fades away

by time, i realise that there's a lot of precious things and precious moments that i wish i can remember forever.. and that was what i learned everyday . there's too much of it and it do makes me smiles again during my doom time remembering those precious moments

this life has inspired me to live to the fullest

O Allah; let this be a good start.

these, will be moments of my life where hopefully by looking back of what have happened and thinking back - i grew wiser and wiser


ahlan wasahlan & welcome

oNesToRy is inspired by those around me, silently yet loudly teaches me a lot of thing from small simple daily life events

this blog, is dedicated to them

thanks for those precious life lesson

and thanks for making me realise more and more by day that this life is more than precious ever